Powdered Fertilizers


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر


  • An advanced compound used in the prevention and treatment of the deficiency of trace elements in an easily absorbable form by laminating these elements on amino acids and organic
  • A combination of micro-components with a molded image is essential for plant growth at all stages
  • It is easily absorbed by the roots by adding to the soil or through the leaves by spraying makes the plant more fresh and resistant to weather and stress (thirst - salinity), which is reflected on high productivity of good quality and distinct
  • Astimo f is the best way to supply plants with micro elements in a balanced manner containing amino acids and organic by not less than 15%

    Usage rates :-

    It is used on most types of crops

  • Vegetables of 150: 200 g / 100 liters of water
  • Fruit trees of 200: 300 g / 100 liters of water
  • Fertilization by irrigation of 1.5: 2.5 g / 10 liters of water

    Frequency and addition :-

  • Once every 4-8 days at any stage of plant and crop life

    Mixability :-

  • Can be mixed with most fertilizers and pesticides


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر

    Characteristics of compost :-

  • High Potassium Fertilizer Contains Nitrogen and Phosphorus Ready to Absorb by Plant
  • Contains a ratio of micro-elements of the fast-absorbing claw and leads to an increase in the readiness of other nutrients and increased nutrient depletion through leaves

    Usage Features :-

  1. A compound containing a high potassium content to increase flowering and nodule ratio
  2. has an appropriate proportion of phosphorus that helps to increase the root mass spread
  3. Contains the nitrogen ratio that helps to increase the vegetable total

    Specifications :-

  • 5% nitrogen
  • 5% phosphorus
  • Potassium 45%
  • Sulfur 11.2%

    Usage rates :-

  • 2-5 kg / fed with the start of the implant with the moving eyes
  • 3-5 kg / fed with the onset of lateral growth
  • 5 kg / fed before flowering and contract
  • These percentages are indicative

Usage Phase Dosage kg / fed / day crop
during vegetative growth 5.3 Crop
after the stream 3.2 Vegetable Crops
With the beginning of the Spring Spring 5.3 Fruit


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر

    Balanced manure features :-

  • A balanced soluble fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and butyum easily absorbed by the plant
  • It contains the sulfur content needed to neutralize acidity and contributes to increased plant resistance to some pathogens

    Usage Features :-

  • Its balanced composition allows it to be used for all stages of plant life from germination to fruiting and harvesting
  • Supports flowering and holding fruits, improves fruit quality and prolongs shelf life
  • Help correct symptoms of nutrient deficiency when unable to determine the cause of the deficiency
  • Contains sulfur equivalent to PH
  • Crops that require multiple ratios of NPK are used at the same time as progressive ripening crops that grow and tolerate flowers and produce fruits at the same time
  • Increase plant tolerance and resistance to inappropriate conditions (frost-drought-stress)
  • Increase production quality and quality
  • Used in all irrigation and sprinkler systems

    Specifications :-

  • Nitrogen 19%
  • 19% phosphorus
  • Potassium 19%
  • Sulfate 3.6%

    Method of use :-

  • Surface irrigation 1.5 - 2.5 kg feddans
  • Drip Irrigation 3-6 kg feddan
  • 250 g / 100 liter water spray
  • These percentages are indicative

Usage Phase Dosage kg / fed / day crop
during vegetative growth 1-1.5 Crop
after the stream 2-3 Vegetable Crops
With the beginning of the Spring Spring 3-4 Fruit