Suspension Fertilizers


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر
    • Composition :-

    • Nitrogen 15%
    • Phosphorus 61%

      FEATURES :-

    • Suspended names of active fertilizers easily absorbed by nerves and front
    • Suspended fertilizer containing a high percentage of phosphorus used since the beginning of growth to combine and strengthen the flowering stage
    • Improves the qualities, properties, size and coloring of fruits
    • is necessary and important for the activation and strengthening of production and frequent frenzy
    • Valid for use in all irrigation systems and for all crops
    • Effective and fast acting in alkaline and calcareous soil

      Usage rates :-

    • Paper spray of 1.5 k / 600 liters of water
    • Open agriculture 4-8c per acre
    • Fruit trees 6-11 kg per acre

      Frequency and addition :-

    • Once every 4-8 days at all plant and crop stages

      Mixability :-

    • Can be mixed with most fertilizers and pesticides


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر
    • Composition :-

    • Nitrogen 20%
    • 20% phosphorus
    • Potassium 20%

      FEATURES :-

    • Fertilizers suspended from organic fertilizer that are easily absorbed by plants and which enable plants to make maximum use of the major elements in it, in addition to micro elements, acid acids, diffusion materials and adhesives that help absorb
    • Suspended fertilizer containing an equal percentage of NPK
    • 100% water-soluble fertilizer in the water Free chlorine, sodium and heavy metal fertilizer
    • Used at any stage of plant and crop life
    • Basic needs are met equally
    • Suitable for all irrigation systems and all crops
    • Effective and effective in phloic and calcareous lands

      Usage rates :-

      It is used on most types of crops

    • Dosage per feddan: 1 kg / 600 liters of water spray
    • Open agriculture 4-8c / fed
    • Fruit trees 6-9 kg / fed
    • 1.25 - 1.75 kg / fed

      Frequency and addition :-

    • Once every 4-8 days at all plant and crop stages

      Mixability :-

    • Can be mixed with most fertilizers and pesticides


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر
    • Composition :-

    • Nitrogen 15%
    • 5% phosphorus
    • Potassium 45%

      FEATURES :-

    • Fertilizers suspended from organic fertilizer that are easily absorbed by plants and which enable plants to make maximum use of the major elements in it, in addition to micro elements, acid acids, diffusion materials and adhesives that help absorb
    • Suspended fertilizer containing high potassium content
    • Preserves healthy growth in terms of length and thickness of the leg and in terms of continuous repeated fainting for a longer period
    • Contains high potassium to increase the utilization rates and crop quantities while maintaining the quality and size of the fruits
    • Contains the phosphorus needed to increase growth rates and root growth as well as to stimulate flowering
    • Contains a good percentage of nitrogen that helps vegetable growth
    • Can be absorbed rapidly in different weather conditions, types of agricultural land and salt soil

      Usage rates :-

      It is used from the beginning of the flowering stage until the end of the production phase and
      because it contains phosphorus and potassium at the same time

    • Paper spraying of 1.5 kg / 600 liters of water
    • Drip irrigation 1.5 - 2 k per acre
    • Axial irradiation spraying 1.5 kg / fed
      and repeat spraying every 2 weeks for 3-4 times

      Frequency and addition :-

    • It is recommended to add fertilizer in the fourth to fourth quarter of the irrigation time

      Mixability :-

    • Can be mixed with most fertilizers and pesticides