Liquid Fertilizers


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر

    Features and features :-

  • Increases fertilization, contract fixation and no flowering
  • Improves the chlorophyll level and increases the efficiency of optical survival
  • Improves the volume and quality of fruits and improves oil content in oily plants
  • Purifies the vegetative total of plants when the concentration increases, improving the quality and size of the plant

    Usage rates :-

  • 250 cm 600 liters of water
  • At the beginning of plant life

  • 500 cm 600 liters of water
  • Pre-harvest phase

crop Usage and Display Rate Spray timing
Sugar Beet - Carrots - Peas 50 - 75 After 30-40 days of germination
Second tile: 20 days after the first
Third brush: 20 days after the second
Olives - grapes - apples - apricots - citrus 50 - 100 First row: during flowering
Second tile: Immediately after the contract
Grain 50 - 75 when the signal is out
Tomatoes - cucumber - pepper - bacon - potatoes 25 - 50 After 30-40 days of germination
Second tile: 20 days after the first
Third brush: 20 days after the second


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر

    Features and features :-

  • Contains a high calcium content that helps the plant withstand different weather conditions
  • Contains a percentage of nitrogen and magnesium to stimulate plant growth in vegetables
  • It contains a ratio of citric acid that activates root growth and facilitates absorption
  • Used in soil salinity treatment

    Usage rates :-

  • Spray
  • 1 liter / 600 liters of water

  • Salt Wizard
  • 5 l / acre

    Confusing :-

  • Do not mix with alkaline, phosphoric and sulfuric pesticides


تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر

    Features and features :-

  • It contains a high percentage of potassium which helps to increase flowering and contractions, improve the quality of fruits and increase the size
  • Contains a sulfur element that facilitates the absorption of many plant nutrients
  • Contains a high ratio of citric acid that activates the plant
  • Increases the plant's ability to resist disease
  • Increases the size of grains and seeds and improves the quality of fruits and vegetables.
  • Potassium affects the plant's absorption of water as it increases the cellular pressure of the cell
  • Increase the efficiency and rate of photosynthesis and plant content of carbohydrates and increase leaf area in plants
  • Increase the yield of some crop varieties to as much as 20%
  • Improving the properties of marketing fruits and increasing their duration
  • Mix with most fertilizers and pesticides is accepted with the use of PH5 compound

    Usage rates :-

  • 1 liter per feddan

Hymat Extra

تصنيع الاسمدة المعلقة, الاحماض الامينية السائلة والبودر, اجرو فارم, تصنيع سماد, سماد نترات الكالسيوم فى مصر, منشطات النمو النباتية, مركبات معالجة الملوحه المعلقه والسائله, العناصر الصغرى والنادرة السائلة والبودر, حامض فوسفوريك اردنى, الاسمده المعلقه المتطوره, مثبتات العقد والأزهار, سماد متوازن فى مصر

    Composition :-

  • 10% potassium hydrate

    Usage Features :-

  • Helps soil soil cohesion, improve its natural properties and reduce salinity around the roots
  • Improves the properties of the soil by increasing its ability to save water and not break it and increase its absorption to the sun and heating the roots
  • Improves absorption of various elements and improves soil drainage and ventilation
  • Brings important food items such as iron, zinc, copper, etc.

    Usage rates :-

  • Vegetable and field crops from 2: 4 l / fed
  • After germination or replanting and repeat from 2: 3 times as needed
  • Fruit trees of 2: 4 liter / acre
  • From the beginning of the growing season and repeat from 2: 4 times as needed